Sunday, September 14, 2008

Roofie Roulette

I hang out with a fairly diverse group of friends, but one thing that ties us together, whether we're runners, frat guys, southern boys, or debate kids, is that our major source of humor is gay jokes. Not that we pick on gay people by any means. Actually, I forgot to mention that my group of friends also includes a few who are openly gay. What I mean is that we pretend to be gay and then laugh about it.

One of my friends in particular is an all star at a game called gay chicken. If you do anything gay to him, he always does something back even gayer. The first one to get gayed out and step down loses. My favorite antic of his is when he holds hands with guys in public. This usually doesn't last long because most people don't have as high a gay threshold as he does, but it always has me cracking up. Especially when it's on a crowded street. Franklin for example.

There is this video on youtube that I really identify with because I have a suspicion that it was created by someone who is very like my friends. This video is called The Worst Drinking Game Ever. It begins with a bunch of guys sitting around playing drinking games. Then one of them suggests a new game called "roofie roulette." He then goes on to explain how the game is played: "I take out one of these little babies, like so. I drop it in a beer and we close our eyes, right? We shuffle the beers all over the fucking table so we don't know whose is whose. We drink ... loser passes out."

Surprisingly, the other guys seem to love this idea and they commence to playing. However, the game suddenly takes a turn for the worst. And worst in a gay way. The one who proposed the game also says that the losers who pass out should be raped because with roofies, rape is implied. The other guys dont like the idea at first, but for some reason, they go along with it. The video ends with only two guys left. The guy who suggested the game passes out and just as his friend is about to relieve him of his pants, he miraculously wakes up, along with the other two guys. As it turns out, it was all just a joke to see if the last guy would actually do it. And he was about to before everyone else sprang back to life, so that proves that hes a fag. Even though the other guys raped men.

While I do find this video to be hilarious, I don't want anyone to get the idea that me or my friends would actually try something this extreme, just for laughs. Or any other reason for that matter.


millertime said...

Wow, that video is pretty fucking hilarious. A little bit twisted, but still funny as hell. And like all funny things, they are so because there is a little bit of truth. I'm not saying that I've seen anything that extreme, but as you have witnessed with your friends, males get a kick out of pretending to be gay. I didn't realize this trend of trying to see who is the least homophobic among guys was so widespread. As a wrestler, I had seen it throughout many locker rooms: teams trying to wig out or get inside the head of the other team by pretending to be gay. At first I only saw this behavior among fellow wreslters, but soon enough I began to see it among the majority of the teenage male population in my area. Now why this is happening I have no idea. Perhaps it is our response to the recent acceptance of gay rights, by trying to show that we aren’t homophobic. From what I’ve observed, this is a fairly recent trend, and was not widespread behavior among males, in the generations preceding our own. Whatever the cause is, it’s all good as long as you say “No Homo”.

Duncan Lindbo said...

I agree, that video is great, just like the previous one. Your post reminds me of a friend who purposefully tries to creep me and my friends out by acting gay. Once we got used to it, it was pretty funny, especially when he used it as a defense mechanism (he was pretty short and skinny, but acted like an asshole, so lots of people would try to beat him up). Whenever another guy tried to him he'd say stuff like "Oh yeah, I like it rough" or something. Usually the other guy would get creeped out after awhile and leave.
I think that one of the major ways for all this acting gay is that since the gay rights movement, it's more culturally acceptable to act gay. I think another reason is that some guys view it as means of acting tough, i.e. the gayer you can act without actually being gay or getting gayed out, the tougher and more manly you are. Sort of a reverse psychology thing going on. Hope that makes sense...

Cameron Nadler said...

I think that the video and drinking game is really funny. Any new drinking game is always fun to find out about. It is kind of an odd game and stuff but I think it would be funny without the rape part. Like instead of using a pill you have one cup filled with ginger ale, which looks like beer. Being in theatre I am the least bit homophobic of anyone. I myself am straight, but I have met tons of openly gay guys in the business that I am involved in. It is kind of a usual thing to find almost one gay guy in a cast of 50 for a musical show. I personally have never felt that gay people are weird. One of my best friends from high school is gay, its kind of your personal preference, its annoying that there is so mush debate about whether to let gay couples marry because the Bible says not to. There are so many religions now that maybe one religion finds gay marriages acceptable.

KHamlin said...

Roofie Roulette is hilarious. Gay Humor is hilariousm your group of friends is not alone. My friends and I often try to trick each other into clicking links for websites with some sort of gay content. We will edit the hyperlinks so that the URL is a gay website but the link is something friendly like a facebook photo url or a youtube video and if you click on it you are extremely surprised when you see the actual content. Some our favorites have been,,,, and We get a kick out of websites like this, as well as playing gay chicken. A few friends of mine from Watauga are the best at gay chicken. I can barely keep up, but it's fun either way.